On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 07:04:40PM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
> On 02-Feb-05, 18:31 (CST), Matthew Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > 
> > So archive bloat is not a problem for you, and "apt-get dist-upgrade" not
> > actually providing upgrades to the latest versions of everything is
> > perfectly fine? 
> In the case of RT, yes. 

I was discussing the issue in a wider sense in that paragraph, as Florian
was saying that multiple versions of random applications is a good thing.

> I notice that there are several different versions of gcc in the
> archive, and nobody seems to be bothered by that. Likewise, there are
> several versions of python. There are, of course, good reasons for both.

Yeah, lots of people write bug-ridden C and C++ code, and Python upstream
has never heard of backward-compatibility.  Another example is PHP, which is
another example of a lack of planning taken to a horrible extreme.

I'm not happy about any of them.  But pointing to them and saying "they can
do it, why can't we" is poor form.

> RT likewise. It changes a *lot* between minor releases. Add-on tools
> have to be updated, local scripts checked and fixed, etc. etc. etc. Best
> Practical makes new bugfix releases to older versions, so they obviously
> don't expect everybody to upgrade all at once.
> RT is not an application. RT is a framework. It's quite reasonable to
> have multiple versions of that framework available.

So package it as the library it apparently is.  The description of the
request-tracker3 package makes it sound like it's a ready-to-run
application.  It doesn't even *mention* that it's a development platform
(unless you count the word 'Extensible', which is a now a content-free
weasel-word ever since XML arrived on the corporate scene).

If there *is* a front-end app ready for immediate use, then make that the
request-tracker package, and build the underlying libraries as a bunch of
lib*-perl packages with appropriate API versioning.  As an added bonus,
someone else can then package their own RT-based trouble-ticketing system
and use your libraries, without needing to have the whole RT frontend
installed, a la the Mozilla Mess.

- Matt

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