On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 03:02:32AM -0500, Peter Samuelson wrote:
> [Kevin Mark]
> > that would suggest that its the RM who has decided such issues in the
> > past unilaterilly.
> Conventional wisdom is that release management involves so much
> drudgery and so little recognition that the *least* we can do is let
> the release manager decide on codenames and version numbers.

Hi Peter,
I have no difficulty with a decision being made unilaterially. I'd just
prefer to have it stated <<somewhere>> so that people wont debate
something like this near the end of the release cycle and so that folks
who are creating  dead-tree media would not have worry that things wont
be in sync, which would be somewhat detrimental to Debian as not being
organized and professional. 
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