Tollef Fog Heen schrieb am Dienstag, den 07. Juni 2005:

> * "Roberto C. Sanchez" 
> | On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 04:27:58PM +0200, Fabio Tranchitella wrote:
> | > On Tue, 07 Jun 2005 at 10:16 -0400, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> | > > I asked a while back (on IRC) about packaging the NX components that are
> | > > under the GPL.  Someone pointed me to Fabian's packages in Skole Linux.
> | > > Anyhow, those packages are 6 months old and probably not going into
> | > > Debian.  Fabian has also not responded to my email.
> | > 
> | > See #255850, maybe it could give you some information.
> | 
> | OK.  No activity in more than a year.  The website where the packages
> | were offered early in the thread no longer exists.
> | 
> | If there are no objections, I will take over the ITP.
> I talked with Stefan Lippers-Hollmann a few days ago about it and
> apart from some technical problems with it (namely that the NX build
> system is an interesting case of «let's see how messed-up we can make
> this build» and no development package), it's almost ready to go into
> sid.
> I've offered to sponsor him if he needs that and would be interested
> in helping out with packaging.  Note that there's a pkg-nx repository
> on alioth too, even though it hasn't been used for anything yet.
yeah, I offered to sponsor them a year ago and created the repo. I planned to
hijack the ITP in the next days to get freenx into debian. 
But I'm also happy to Co-Maintain the package. I'm the admin of the pkg-nx
repo, so I'm able to give access to everybody who is interested.

Best whishes

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