On Sat, Jun 11, 2005 at 07:49:25AM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> For buildds there are 3 mechanisms in place:
> 1. no auto list of the buildd
> Per buildd setting to avoid packages not suitable for a specific
> buildd (e.g. needs more ram/disk than this buildd has).
> 2. not-for-us state
> Wanna-build per arch setting flaging the package to do serious harm to
> the buildd and not build it.
> 3. package-arch-specific
> Global list of package to be excluded for each arch and the long term
> solution for not-for-us
> p-a-s is on cvs.debian.org and buildd admins should know about it. So
> don't worry about it too much. If they wan't to not build openafs they
> can fix it.
> MfG
>         Goswin
Hi Goswin,
as part of my ever watchfull eye on the mineutuia of the Debian build
process, I recall reading about some 'lists' that were used by the
buildd script: build-when-idle and do-not-build lists. 
Is this related?
if so, what uses these 'mechanism' (or lists)? 
the buildd script?
Are they lists-as-in-text-files?
Thanks for any 'hints'!
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