On Friday 08 July 2005 14.33, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> TODO: Should this be in  
> http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?ReleaseProposals ?

It's <http://wiki.debian.net/?EtchTODOList> - which contains a short 
disclaimer on its difference vs. ReleaseProposals.

> Mere wishlists by random bystanders are no help to anyone.

I think I can agree with your sentiment that they don't get things done.  
OTOH I feel it worthwhile to collect these ideas on what people are missing 
in Debian - it does help people to find other people with interests in 
similar areas, and I'd argue that the list does no harm.  If you don't feel 
it is helpful to you, just ignore it.

-- vbi

Bescheidenheit ist so beliebt, weil sie einem die Arroganz erleichtert.

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