On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 11:43:50AM -0300, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> On 7/14/05, Daniel Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The server hasn't been modularised yet, it's just that I split up all
> > the packaging.  I've been working closely with Josh Triplett on the
> > libraries, and keeping David fully in the loop with everything I'm doing
> > in Breezy, and I'm pretty sure that we're going to arrive at a common
> > base for packaging when Debian gets over to the modular tree.
> Hi Daniel,
> Thank you for clarifying the topic. 

No worries.

> About the split up, is there a consensus in what to install exactly ? See, 
> the user will install all the packages related to video drivers and dexconf 
> will do its job and it's up to the user remove what is not needed ? I'm asking
> about Debian, because i guess that in Ubuntu you'll autodetect as much as
> possible in the install and just keep there what's necessary maybe using a
> different approach if the user change his video card, plug a new input device
> or whatever.
> Closing, what are the side effects (if any) that this split up and
> modularization will
> put on the loop for stuff like lessdisks and ltsp ?

For the time being -- both in Debian and in Ubuntu -- everything will
continue to be installed.  It's more about not having to update
everything at the same time, really.

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