On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 10:42:17PM +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> David Moreno Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have been in the whole NM process for more than 13 months now. I
> > spent around 6 months with my AM, around another 6 to be approved by
> > the DAM and I'm waiting now, since a month ago, for my account to be
> > created.  Yes, I also know some people have had longer times.
> >
> > The thing that makes me feel uncomfortable is how Debian cannot
> > encourage people for helping the project with this. Motivation probably
> > just leaves with the long time waiting (in my case, there is nothing
> > else on my hands to do). People just loses faith. It is sad to see the
> > process is more a matter of time, than capacity or work done,
> > experience. And well, right now I feel so close but also so far, because
> > of the uncertainty, to conclude my process.
> A Debian account isn't that essential.  I had packages in Debian for
> at least a year before I was invited to join the project.  The
> additional 11 months I waited in the NM queue didn't stop me doing
> useful work.
Hi Roger,
you seem to be aware of facts that have eluded other NMs. Can you point
to how you aquired this info and how other have missed it. Many folks
dont RFTM. If is not stated clearly in say a NM FAQ, should it?
just asking.
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