On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 03:23:45PM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Oct 2005, Pierre Machard wrote:
> > Anyway I do not understand why this issue is a problem since we
> Because instead of doing this:
> localost localhost.localdomain
> It was done like this:
> localhost.localdomain localhost
> Thus changing the canonical name of the loopback interface.  PLEASE do not
> do this unless you have *extremely* good reasons to do so.  An untracked DNS
> timeout is definately not one.  If you can still reproduce the problem, we
> can work on tracking that thing down without the localhost.localdomain.

The fact is that nobody complained about that... and my bug was
repported more than one year and a half ago. Plus It was disscussed on 
debian-devel. Please do not argue with me!

I do not pretend that I know anything in name resolution, however I
proposed something that worked on my system. It was widely discussed. I
joined this current thread to show people who do not read -devel every day 
that we have already talk about it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Please have a look at:
Subject: /etc/hosts: Two lines with the same IP address? by Thomas Hood

                                Pierre Machard
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                 http://debian.org
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