Breaking news alert issue - big news coming.

Allixon International Corporation
A X C P . P K

We give it to you again as a gift. This company is doing
incredible things. They have cash and have made great 
strategic aquisitions. Current price is $4.70. 
Short term projection is $8. This company has dropped 
big new's in the past. Who's to say they don't have 
another big one.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.      

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.       
Wise men are not always silent, but they know when to be. 
Do not speak ill of the dead.      
Great men are not always idiots       
If pregnancy were a book, they would cut the last two chapters. 
Why are our days numbered and not, say, lettered?    
The ancestor of every action is a thought.     
MERCY, n. An attribute beloved of detected offenders.     
A man's mother is his misfortune, but his wife is his fault. 
Mothers are a biological necessity; fathers are a social invention.   
Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.  
Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.      
Make your bargain before beginning to plow.      
Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings.    
He is richest who is content with the least.    
If you don't run your own life, somebody else will.   
To err is human, to blame the next guy even more so. 
No statue has ever been put up to a critic.   

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