Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Removing system users on package purge is widely regarded a bug since
>> one cannot guarantee that the local admin hasn't used the account for
>> other things as well. Additionally, removing the system user on
>> package purge might leave orphaned files around. If the maintainer
>> decides to remove a user in postinst, that can be done with an
>> explicit deluser call.
> That really depends on the daemon itself don't you think? There's a number of
> daemons that don't create any file at all or, if they do, are created
> only on a given directory which is removed on purge. In these cases, removing
> the user on postrm's purge might make sense. As I said, that would be an
> option. 

"One cannot guarantee that the local admin hasn't used the account for
other things as well."

Please read.


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