On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 10:58:23 +1100, Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>That is my point - adduser will print a warning if the user already
>So you need to check to make sure the user doesn't exist first, before
>attempting to add it. Or you get a stupid warning appearing when
>upgrading packages.

If you feel disturbed by the warning, redirect addusers output to
/dev/null. It is specially tailored to not kill the package install if
the user already exists.

>or in a practical sense either:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# adduser aaa
>adduser: The user `aaa' already exists.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# adduser --quiet aaa
>adduser: The user `aaa' already exists.
>(this is sarge/stable - maybe it has changed in unstable?)

Probably not. Maybe one should add an option to suppress these
messages on request. An appropriate patch would be appreciated.

>[1] What is a "progress" message?

Probably inappropriate wording for adduser. An appropriate patch would
be appreciated.


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Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
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