On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:38:11 -0600, Jeroen van Wolffelaar
>On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 03:23:08PM -0800, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
>> Branden Robinson, the DPL, is aware of this organizational failure.  But he
>> has done nothing effective to repair it.  He has suggested that another DD,
>> Jeroen van Wolffelaar, has the authority to make keyring changes -- an odd
>> situation, given the [EMAIL PROTECTED] alias, but no matter -- but Mr. van
>> Wolffelaar has made no more progress than Mr. Troup has: that is to say, 
>> none.
>I'm sorry to hear that you think resigning is the only option.

Considering that James' reluctance to do the work he has volunteered
to do is a recurring issue in the Debian project, and that this issue
has not yet been addressed by the new DPL who was elected in the hope
that he would try solving some of our most pressing issues, I can
understand Chip's train of thought.

It is, however, really a pity. Please try to prevent things like this
from happening again. It is a shame to see people quit because other
people do not do their work.


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