Le jeudi 01 décembre 2005 à 11:56 +0100, Frank Küster a écrit :
> We are trying to *get* both into the archive; and I don't see how
> texlive could replace tetex for etch.  But I agree with you that we
> should reconsider the question later.

In this case, I have to agree with you.

> Personally, I assume there will be reasons to keep teTeX; whether they
> are strong enough compared to the archive bloat (and the dispersal of
> mantainer power) in the long run, that remains to be seen.

I haven't seen any valid argument so far to keep twice the same source
in the archive. And this isn't valid only for tetex.
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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