On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 08:34:33PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
> Matt Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I can't agree.  From the sound of this and other threads, there are a number
> > of folks who are unlikely to be satisfied with any behavior on the part of
> > the Ubuntu project or its members.  Fortunately, there are others who are
> > actively cooperating to the mutual benefit of the two projects.
> Really, it's very easy.  I would be satisfied if both of the following
> were done:
> Every time you find a bug in an Ubuntu package, make some effort to
> determine if it is Ubuntu-specific or might rather affect all Debian
> users.  If it is not Ubuntu-specific, then file a bug report, and
> optionally, a patch, in the Debian BTS.

Hi Thomas,
would it be usefull if the Ubuntu Maintainer would add a
'ubuntu-specific' usertag to those bugs in the Ubuntu BTS as a way of
telling Debian folks (as well as others) that they should not address
this bugs. 
counter.li.org #238656 -- goto counter.li.org and be counted!
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