Baishampayan Ghose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Latex2man is a tool to translate UNIX manual pages written with LaTeX
>  into a format understood by the UNIX man(1)-command. Alternatively
>  HTML, TexInfo, or LaTeX code can be produced too. Output of parts of
>  the text may be supressed using the conditional text feature (for this,
>  LaTeX generation may be used).
>  .
>  There is LaTeX package (latex2man.sty) used for writing the Man-page
>  and a Perl script (latex2man) doing the actual translation.

Please make sure to follow the Debian TeX Policy draft in the tex-common

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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