
I've not have had time lately to maintain these packages properly and it'll
be best for everyone to have them officialy orphaned.

First come - first serve.  Please Cc: me, I am not on debian-devel.  For the
packages not picked up by anyone within next days I'll fill WNPP bugs and
upload with the QA as the maintainer.


Package: opendchub
Description: DC (Direct Connect P2P network) hub clone
 Open DC hub is a Unix/Linux version of the hub software for the Direct
 Connect network. Direct Connect is a file sharing network made up by
 hubs, to which clients can connect. It offers offers peer-based file-sharing.
 In practise it works better than gnutella and other similar systems as it
 allows dc hubs (servers) administators to require clients to share specified
 amount of data. The amount is usually based on type of client's connection
 and it is used not to hurt or exclude anybody but to make file sharing "fair 
 This version supports most of the features of the official hub.
 Some of the currently supported features are:
  * Searching for files,
  * Connecting to users, both in active and passive mode,
  * Messaging in open chat,
  * Private messaging,
  * Registering users,
  * Kicking users (for OP:s),
  * Banning users (for Admins),
  * Uploading hub address and description to public hub list,
  * Hublinking, which makes it possible to search on other hubs connnected
    to the network.
 The hub is run as a daemon, i.e, it runs in the background. It's
 administrated through a tcp connection, for example with telnet, which
 makes it possible to administer remotely, given that the user has the
 administration password.

Package: pimppa
Description: powerful tool to loot binaries from newsgroups smartly
 PIMPPA is a tool to loot binaries from newsgroups and ftp sites. It
 tries to achieve complete "hands free" operation where possible. The
 system is best suited for the Connoisseur, the Collector and the
 Worshipper of the Mighty Crond. Its not very useful for the inferior
 minions of the trendy interactive.
 Current features:
  * Attempts to skip duplicates and spam before downloading actual
  * Further duplicate discarding based on filenames & MD5 checksums.
  * Intelligent multipart handling, downloads only complete postings.
  * Supports multiple newsservers.
  * Filename-based sorting of accepted files to proper directories.
  * Can be used to hunt known file series or extensions and skip the rest.
  * Supports automatic file integrity testing and transformation.
  * Several tools and scripts for file maintenance and viewing.
  * Knowledge is kept in SQL database, making it relatively easy for you
    to write your own custom scripts and utilities.
  * Cronable: come back next week to check the filtered catch.
  * Optional Gnome GUI.
  * It's free! - GPL'ed Open Source.                           
 Downsides (its not perfect)
  * Software requirements. We call them formidable.
  * Installation and use. You might actually have to read some of the

Package: rccp
Description: Console frontend to DCTC - Direct Connect (peer-based
 RCCP (Red Connect Console Program - originally named CCCP) is text front-end
 for the dctc program. Dctc handles all communication with dchubs and
 RCCP is designed to allow both scripting and command line interaction.
 Besides supporting all the basic Direct Connect commands such as downloading,
 searching, uploading, resuming, multihub search etc RCCP can be scripted.
 Selected scripts from many included with the package:
  * multi hub spider search
  * last seen user script (ala irc !seen script)
  * list all files from all users
  * download bot - watches query results and downloads all of them
  * segmented downloading
  * ... plus many more ...
 Direct Connect protocol is intended for peer-based  file-sharing. In practise
 it works better than gnutella and other similar systems as it allows dc hubs
 (servers) administators to require clients to share specified amount of data.
 The amount is usually based on type of client's connection and it is used not
 to hurt or exclude anybody but to make file sharing "fair play".

Package: xnc
Description: X Northern Captain nc/mc-like filemanager for X
 Two panels show highlighted directory listings and give an easy and simple
 way for manipulating files on disks, inside various archives or ftp with
 a Virtual File System.
  * Builtin Rxvt terminal to run programs
  * Bookmarks for storing HotDirectories and quickly jumping to them
  * "Drag and drop" protocol for file operations
  * MultiWindow Viewing and Editing system with various image formats
  * User menus and file associations
  * Different panel layouts, icons
  * Hotkeys for all operations
  * Setup tool for customizing colors, your own keys, fonts and so on

Package: xshisen
Description: Shisen-sho puzzle game for X11
 xshisen  is  a puzzle game for X11.  Similar to the famous
 "Shang-hai", your objective is to remove all the pieces on the board.
 This game allows you to use either "original" xshisen images, or - at your
 choice - images from kshisen.

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