On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 06:35:59AM -0800, John Gee wrote:
> marc writes:
>     If nothing else "Joseph Smidt" at least you seem to be someone who 
> cares enough about Debian to spend your time contemplating about it.  But 
> this is a meritacrosy, and you are not a developer.  I refer you to your 
> January post, no develpor, no merit.
> Cheers,
Hi John,
free software uses/provides freedom. You do not have to be a developer
to get an idea put into action. Look at Ubuntu: one guy with a vision +
some cash + developers = new distro. Getting this done with out the cash
is harder but not impossible. If you have a good enought idea and the
freedom to use and modify existing code and can convince folks to follow
it, who knows where it can lead...
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