also sprach Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006.03.09.1132 +0100]:
> I'm sick of being left in the void.  I'm sick of ftpmasters not
> answering mails from the stable release manager to negotiate
> a timeline.  I'm sick of ftpmasters suddenly creating arbitrary
> preconditions for stable updates. I'm sick of having to ask again
> and again and being constantly blocked by them.


I wonder where things are going now that you retract from various
positions... LinuxTag won't ever be the same, and I always thought
your handling of stable release updates was great. I am sorry to
learn you had to fight so many battles doing it.

It is sad to see you leave the stable release manager position
because you don't see a solution to the problem. In the past,
situations such as the one you got frustrated over, have happened
within Debian in various places. Sometimes it's the ftpmasters, at
other times it's the security team or DSA, and there are others.
I don't blame you for pulling out at all. However, I am trying to
appeal to your dedication to the project with the following request:

As someone who has served (and continues to serve) on several core
teams within Debian, would you be able to give us some insights into
how the situation may be improved?

You are tired of fighting the battles yourself. Even though you may
have reasonable issues, very few people can step in to help because
very few people know what's going on at the level of core
infrastructural teams. Debian's core infrastructure is in the hands
of very few people, who are often very busy. This results in
bottlenecks, which have negatively affected the project several
times in the past.

Could you share with us your view on where the problem is, and what
solutions you see?

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author:
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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