On Saturday 11 March 2006 03:27, Kevin Mark wrote:
[DPL as mediator]

The DPL already could do that.  The DPL probably in the past *did* step in 
in some cases behind the scenese.  There's no reason for the technical 
overhead of a mediator@ email alias - there's leader, and people who trust 
the DPL to be able to mediate conflicts can reach him there.

Mediation can only work if all parties accept the mediator as a person of 
respect/authority who is capabable of working out a fair solution and 
accept that a mediator will help.  Otherwise, it'll be just an additional 
party in the debate - no win.

> After the meeting everyone would agree to not discuss anything in public 
> and only redress furthur problems by arranging another private irc
> session.  

Hmm.  I agree with you that solving these problems is behind the scenes 
work.  But I think a solution worked out by a mediator ought to be 
published, because often enough the problem is also the subject of frequent 
discussions and flamewars, often also between people not actually involved 
in the problem (and thus the mediation.)  Mediation is about finding a 
solution, not about blaming anybody, so publication of the mediation's 
result should be constructive instead of 'he was guilty'.

-- vbi

Tapferkeit ist die Fähigkeit, von der eigenen Furcht keine Notiz zu
                -- George Patton

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