Le vendredi 28 avril 2006 à 11:06 +0200, artefact a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am packaging a game, Wormux. This game use the font DejaVuSans which
> is already a Debian package. How can I use Defoma (I think this is the
> tool to use for this) to get this font path when building my package so
> that it could depend on the DejaVuSans package rather than including the
> font in the wormux-data package. Or maybe does it exist a debhelper for
> this but I can not get is name...
> Note: I RTFM :-) and had a look at several others game package
> (penguin-racer,  gltron and some others) and they all embbed the font
> files into the -data package.

How about using fontconfig ? Even without using the API you can use it
to look for a font:
$ fc-match --verbose sans | awk '$1=="file:"'
        file: "/var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d/D/DejaVu-Sans.ttf"(s)

Depending on fontconfig guarantees the "sans" and "serif" aliases will
be available, using DejaVu as the default.
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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