>I mean, all pics are in the same location, but can easyly installed
>using apt and friends  and noone must download the whole tarballs.

>Even Modem or ISDN-Users would like to see screenshots of some
>packages/programs and huge tarballs are no sulution.

$ apt-cache rdepends libx11-6|wc -l
2237 x 40k = 90MB
Some non X11 based application like mutt could have a screenshot too but we 
won't have 15 000 pixmaps. 

Tarball is a good solution for people who don't have an Internet connexion but 
some space on theirs hard drive. The tarballs will be copied from the 
If you have a connexion to a pixmap repository you won't have to feed a local 
cache. A slow connexion is enouch too retrieve 40kb pictures.



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