On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 15:45:09 +0100, James Westby
>On (19/06/06 16:04), Marc Haber wrote:
>> One other is that
>> GnuTLS seems to fail if used twice inside the same address space, such
>> as receiving messages via SMTP over TLS and doing lookups via ldaps if
>> both exim and libldap are linked against the same gnutls libs.
>Do you have a reference please?


> Is there a bug against gnutls?


There are a number of TLS-related bugs against exim4 which I have not
reassigned since there is no GnuTLS knowledge in the exim environment
(the contributor of the GnuTLS-related code in upstream exim vanished
years ago) to surely determine whether an issue is really in GnuTLS or
in exim.

http://wiki.debian.org/PkgExim4 has a help request in the "Current
Information" section, and the probably GnuTLS-related bugs in exim are
usertagged in the BTS as gnutls for user [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  |     Beginning of Wisdom "     | http://www.zugschlus.de/
Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

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