On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> >...<
> > So far for the past;  at the moment I think that it would be a good
> > compromise to not compress PDF files in dedicated -doc packages, while
> > keeping them compressed in mixed packages.  This would mean that we
> > should *not* wait for debhelper to switch, but instead add -X.pdf to
> > dh_compress in tetex-doc.  But this is just my personal opinion, and not
> > a very fixed one - it still has to be discussed among the Debian TeX
> > Task Force
> Seconded.
Thirded! ;)

I think that there must be some general rules introduced in dh_compress
such as you suggested: 

1. don't compress within -doc packages. 

2. verification at package build time if there is a considerable
space saving from file compression. That would allow to don't recompress
already compressed files, but on the other hand it might introduce
inhomogeneity -- some files of similar nature would be compressed, the
others not.

N.B.: Just few hours ago I've filed a but against beagle since it ships
an extension in its doc directory as .xpi.gz. Besides the fact that it
can't be used as it is shipped, ie without decompression,
extracted .xpi actually took few bytes less than .xpi.gz.

The main argument from my side: if there is no transparent support to
handle those compressed files (like pdf.gz can't be easily viewed from
firefox as it is shipped now. don't suggest proxied archival tools such
as ark... that is not transparent support), then they better be
shipped uncompressed since otherwise uncompressing them manually would
break their proper CLEANUP and UPGRADE.

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