On Sun, Feb 11, 2007 at 03:35:27PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>  ...  I mean, getting ones
>  status reverted is an inconvenience, but surely an active DD should
>  not be afraid of passing something we ask of every new developer?
IIUC if A is the number of people expelled from Debian and if B is the
number of people who have dropped out of the NM process and if C is the
number of people who did not pass the NM process, and if D is the number
of DD who will not pass a re-admit test, then the total of A+B+C+D would
be a small number (lets say less than 20) and thus the number of people
who want to be in Debian and should be in Debian is close to 100%. So I
dont think there is a real change that a re-test would cause someone
like this to be kicked out.
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