On Thu, 2007-03-15 at 06:45 +0100, Christian Perrier said:
> Apart from "has anyone already done the same thing for the poor users
> of <troll>stone age VCS like Subversion</troll>"?
> During translation handling of several packages, I happen to commit a
> big bunch of updates, each supposed to fix a l10n bug report and
> sending a "Committed" mails with "tags xxxxxx pending" is also a
> PITA....and, of course, I happen to forget, or ommit to Bcc
> So, an already cooked SVN commit hook doing exactly this would be
> really welcomed on my side..:)

if you want it, there's a hook script[1] in /svn/pkg-nagios that scans
debian/changelog for "closes: #nnnn" additions, and sets pending
tags when it sees them.

for shits and giggles i started re-writing the script in python, only to
discover that the python subversion bindings are a complete nightmare.
i'll probably finish it just  for the sake of completeness, though i
don't know that it will be any more useful than the current perl script.


[1] shamelessly stolen from peterS.

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