I demand that Magnus Holmgren may or may not have written...

> Most of the time you won't have to say it. Spoken language tends to be less

> formal than written language, and 2^10 bytes still is approximately a 
> kilobyte (and so on up to giga, where the approximation starts to fail). So

> you only have to say kibibyte when you need to be precise.

If I need to disambiguate, I'll say either "real kilobyte" or something like
"marketroids' kilobyte". And as for the next step up, well, "gigabytes" is a
given, and it's tempting to say "giblets"...

| Darren Salt    | linux or ds at              | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Buy local produce. Try to walk or cycle. TRANSPORT CAUSES GLOBAL WARMING.

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