Christof Krüger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'd really like to hear some real arguments against SI prefixes, besides
> being ugly or funny to pronounce or just because "it has always been
> like that". Advantages of using SI prefixes has been mentioned in this
> thread. Please tell me the disadvantages so there can actually be a
> constructive discussion.

Trying to change every piece of software in existence is a waste of time
and energy for a problem that isn't that serious.

IMO, that's the *real* objection; most of the arguments are justifications
for that position or are about things that we'd get over if this issue
were addressed (like the silly words -- there are sillier words in English
that just don't sound that way because we're used to them).

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])               <>

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