On 16/06/07 at 01:19 +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> Review of the Etch release cycle
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  * Quality Assurance (QA) checks on the archive were started very late in
>    the cycle. They were very useful, but the timing was very unfortunate.
>    We want to encourage all interested parties to start their QA checks as
>    early as possible and will try to support those by making them a release
>    goal. Regular rebuilds, upgrade tests for standard configurations and
>    similiar checks improve Debian's quality!

Work has already started on this. The plan is to run such tests and use
the collab-qa project to review the results (see
http://collab-qa.alioth.debian.org/ ). We now only need people to join
and help with reviewing logs :-) (and it's not _that_ boring).
| Lucas Nussbaum
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
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