Le mercredi 11 juillet 2007 à 14:40 +0000, William Pitcock a écrit :
> Architecturally, Audacious is much different than XMMS, it just sorta looks 
> like
> XMMS, which I think sends the wrong message, but whatever. The fact is that we
> do not consider ourselves to be an XMMS clone or an XMMS replacement, and you
> should strongly consider that before removing XMMS and providing a transitive
> upgrade path to audacious.
> I'm not asking much, just some sort of notification telling users that the
> "replacement" they are installing is not really a replacement to XMMS, and as
> such some "features" are implemented in a drastically different way.

Whether you like it or not, audacious is a playlist-based audio player
with support for many audio formats and funny plugins. This description
sounds much like XMMS, which is why it can be considered a good
replacement. As a user, I don't care about the architecture being
different (apart from the bugs gone away).

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