
 I'm having trouble with fetchmail and procmail. The trouble is that fetchmail 
 ignores the 'mda "formail -s procmail"' line totally and delivers all mail to 
 port 25. nice. I can't remember, how many times I have checked everything. 

 This might have a connection with another problem that I was having couple 
 a days ago: /proc and swap wouldn't get mounted at boot, everything and all 
 fine everywhere and only thing that did help was moving the appropriate lines
 *on top* of fstab (they were the last) did work. I'm going to check this again 
 tomorrow, when I'll have to boot the machine anyway. 

 This is recent hamm machine and only thing that changed (besides my isp) was 
 my monitor which broke down. 

 Naturally this is just a 'wrong permission on some file somewhere you'll never 
 know to look' type problem, but I would appreciate if somebody could poke 
 me in the eye with that file. 

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