Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>       Because the normal build process is to say make build;

And, as I just realized, this in itself could be problematic.  Are we
going to add "Depends: make" to the emacs lisp packages that do this
in their postinst?  I guess we could, but it seemed a little
unsettling when I first realized that it would be required.

>  and it may need files that may not be available. Also, a script is
>  not easy to build from a complex multi directory make process: case
>  in point: tm-7.106. I maintain a local deb package (I have no real
>  reason for not using the official package), so I know how complex
>  that is.

Well, I don't see how to fix the "needing files that aren't available"
problem (when does this happen?), but the multi-directory make process
shouldn't be a problem.  There's no reason the hook file for tm in
Guy's proposal couldn't just execute

  (cd <tm-dir> && make)

I do agree that there are other complexities to work out.

Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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