>>"Rob" == Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Rob> Well, I don't see how to fix the "needing files that aren't
Rob> available" problem (when does this happen?), but the
Rob> multi-directory make process shouldn't be a problem.  There's no
Rob> reason the hook file for tm in Guy's proposal couldn't just
Rob> execute

Rob> (cd <tm-dir> && make)

        You mean to ship all the Makefiles and the complex directory
 structures? I dump all elisp files into one destination directory,
 and I do not ship makefiles.

        /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp/tm/tm/Makefile, faugh ;-)

        And we shall have to have the whole crufty complex directory
 structure that tm employs in our site-lisp directory. Methinks I

Rob> I do agree that there are other complexities to work out.

        You have a gift of understatement.

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