Not to mention it is EXTREMELY dangerous to your system since root can
wipe out your system. Root cannot log in remotely due to security
restraints... but if you give normal usernames root capabilities... they
can log in remote thus creating a security breach. It is better to leave
root and the normal user separate.


On Sun, 28 Dec 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Dec 1997, Jon Björklund wrote:
> > What I want is to get my user named ceed to be as powerful as root but
> > at the same time it shouldn't be root. Is there a way of fixing this??
> Well,  you can use sudo,  which lets normal users to superuser tasks.
> > And I do not want to go around su:ing all my day.
> Really,  except for setting up the system and maintaining things,  you
> shouldn't have to be root all the time,  except to shutdown the system...
>                                                       Will
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> |                              |
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |The problem with computers:                                             |
> |                                                                        |
> |                      rivendell[501] [~]> love me                       |
> |                      bash: love: command not found                     |
> |                      rivendell[502] [~]> hug me                        |
> |                      bash: hug: command not found                      |
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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