>>>>> "Jon" == Jon Björklund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Jon> What I want is to get my user named ceed to be as powerful as
    Jon> root but at the same time it shouldn't be root.

 There are several ways of doing that.  `secure-su' lets you set
things up so that certain users can `su' to become certain other
users, and bypass the password.  It's convienient to allow some folks
to become `webmaster' for instance.

 `super' lets you set up certain commands to be run as another user.
It's pretty easy to do; once you RTFM you'll know as much as I do
about it, so I won't go into details.

 `sudo' is another way; it is perhaps the most popular method of
allowing users to run commands as root or as other users.

 Scripts may be set `SUID' two different ways.  Perl programs may use
`suidperl', and shell scripts can securely be run SUID using
`suidexec', which may be found in the `suidmanager' package.

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