On Sun, Dec 28, 1997 at 10:14:43AM -0800, Jon Björklund wrote:
> Hi there guys!
> I am using Debian 1.3.1 and finds it a perfekt linuxdistribution.
> But there is one _very_ BiG problem in all unices I have tested,
> and that is the users and root.
> What I want is to get my user named ceed to be as powerful as root but
> at the same time it shouldn't be root. Is there a way of fixing this??
> And I do not want to go around su:ing all my day.

As other mentioned on this list, this is no problem or bug, but a feature.
Their should be absolutly no reason to have root access all the time (do you
know one?)

I assume you have a stand alone machine, and you are the only user. Then I
would recommend you to keep the first console for root. Then you can login
as ceed on other consoles, and switch back to your root console via ALT-F1.

This is what I do, and you will experience, that you don't need too much
root access.

If you want to give ceed access to floppy, cd, sound and other, add "ceed"
at the end of the appropriate lines in your /etc/group file. This file
controls the access for common files and devices.

> And finally can you pleaze give me a small description of what each
> user in the original /etc/passwd is!

This "users" are no real users, this means, you can't login as, for example
"news" (they have an asterisk * as password). They are for system
maintenance, and special system programs, as daemons, can run as "news", for
example, so they don't have to run as root for special tasks (the news
daemon only needs access to news specific files, and not to the usr
directory, for example).

This somewhat complicated mechanism does protect the system against you and
you against the system ;)

Thank you,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."                         Debian GNU/Linux
Marcus Brinkmann                                      http://www.debian.org
http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Marcus.Brinkmann/  PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

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