Hi Paul, hi all,

> Ahoy, fellow developers,
> Having followed the recent threads, I've been growing concerned - not of
> sticking with an old init system, or switching to a new one, or even the
> god-aweful tone of every damn post on that thread (srsly guise).
> I'm mostly concerned that we, as a project, have a *hard* time trying
> out big, breakey things -- I know, we're Debian, we're stable, I get
> that.

I feel the subject of this thread is not very well aligned with your reasoning -
I don't think innovation==breaking things!? At least for myself the init system
is a particularly bad example: I have quite a while ago stopped following that
thread as the noise/information ratio was way too high for a sub-system I don't
necessarily care about (I just need *some* working init).

To re-iterate: are you worrying about innovation or about a lack of interest in
breaking things?


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