On Jul 12, 2017 03:39, "Holger Levsen" <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 10:44:47AM -0500, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Jul 2017, Bjørn Mork wrote:
> > Previously I could ask a user to do e.g. 'ifconfig wwan0'. Now?
> sudo ip link; sudo ip addr;

no need for sudo, this is enough:

ip link ; ip addr

or even shorter:

ip l ; ip a

I don't believe the point had anything to do with ifconfig vs. ip. Rather,
it's no longer possible for people doing remote troubleshooting to make an
educated guess what the name of the interface in question is.

Imagine destining to the lay user how to read and parse the bits from the
ip command output that you're after. Now, instead of knowing it's the
add-on card and asking for bits of "ip addr show eth1", you're now along
them to run "ip addr" and figure out which of the devices might be what
you're looking for.

In another scenario, system automation doesn't often involve management of
network interfaces, but it's also not rare. I had been able to look at DCIM
and know what address ethX would have assigned. At the moment, I'm not
really sure how to handle the new naming scheme. I miss simple and
(globally) predictable.

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