On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 12:00:37PM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
>     Bastian> For this I need to use my veto as Salsa admin.  With the CI
>     Bastian> people we have to work through too much problems first.
> What I am hearing you say is that right now, as service admins, you
> cannot support the CI pipeline being used that widely.  I confirm that's
> absolutely a call you get to make as a service adminand that forms a
> blocking objection to recommending that now.
> I'll remove it from the next version.


> Are there additional resources either the salsa admins or the salsa CI
> team needs to move forward to a place where you'd both feel comfortable
> recommending Salsa CI?

We need to sit down and disuss between the admins first what we exactly
require and where we want to go in the future, which is some sort of a
problem right now.

But basically the Salsa CI stuff needs to reduce the resource usage in
various stages as Salsa simply lacks them.

Salsa is also in a weird state.  It's both a large and a small GitLab
installation.  This is source of a lot of those problems.

It is large.  Salsa is one of the largest public accessible GitLab
instances.  The only other I know, git.drupalcode.com, which contains
more projects, is technically a GitLab, but is only used as git web

It is small.  Salsa is a let's lump all together installation, without
any real separation in terms of resource usage.  This means that
problems in one part quickly break others as well.

> Beyond that though, I think the term "veto" here tends to shut down
> discussion in a way that is not good for the project.

Yeah, it sounded wrong too, but I failed to find something different.

> I think it's fine for you to veto something today.  But I'd encourage
> you to do that in a manner that does not shutdown discussion about the
> future while still being firm about what part of that future you're
> interested in bringing about.

I don't want to shut up any discussion.  It's just that we have not yet
managed to talk through the last outage, which was caused directly by
the Salsa CI and how it does things.


You can't evaluate a man by logic alone.
                -- McCoy, "I, Mudd", stardate 4513.3

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