On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 2:05 AM Johannes Schauer <jo...@debian.org> wrote:
> yes, probably a communication problem. I think you are talking about [1] from
> August 11 last year? I replied the same day, telling you to please file a bug
> with your patches to continue discussion there. But then there was no response
> from you anymore and I don't find your bug in the BTS. Maybe my mail got lost
> somehow or I fail finding the bug you filed?

It seems the reply must have gotten lost somehow - I don't see it anywhere.

> I'm also very excited about having yet another chroot backend being integrated
> into sbuild! Though my first comment would be the same as I gave those asking
> for a docker backend in #867176: maybe try adding that backend to autopkgtest
> first. Then more people would profit from having that type of backend 
> available
> and no additional changes would be needed in sbuild because sbuild can already
> use autopkgtest backends for package building.

OK, I'll try to get the patch submitted either tonight or tomorrow.
(What I need to clean up is that it's interspersed with changes I made
to have it run with a personal distribution build I've been tinkering
with.  On a quick review, I now notice it's also interspersed with
changes to support using eatmydata only on the apt install commands
and only if not in schroot-update mode, instead of having to put it
into schroot config to apply to all commands - which seems reasonable
to split out into a separate patch to submit.  I also haven't yet
updated documentation files.)

One quick question: I don't see any mention of
$options->{'DISABLE_NETWORK'} in lib/Sbuild/ChrootAutopkgtest.pm,
whereas my new lib/Sbuild/ChrootNspawn.pm does support it.  If I'm not
missing something, then I wonder what it would take to add
DISABLE_NETWORK support to the autopkgtest sbuild engine.
Daniel Schepler

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