> > > Host lintian.debian.org not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
> > >
> > > is this expected ?
> >
> > Yes, it is replaced by the UDD interface:
> >
> > https://wiki.debian.org/Services/lintian.debian.org
> > https://udd.debian.org/lintian/

Could we please have a HTTP 301 redirect from lintian.debian.org to
https://udd.debian.org/lintian/ so people will automatically find the
new location?
And perhaps a separate redirect from URL
https://lintian.debian.org/manual to the new location, wherever the
guide now is to be read.

I used the old website frequently, and also shared links to the
Lintian error explanations there frequently. Currently all links from
all HTML reports from Lintian are broken, see
for example. Maybe they should now be updated to be links to UDD

Thanks for everyone maintaining our infra and working towards resolving this.

> > There is no web based location for the description of each tag yet.
> I don't know if it is just me, but even udd gives me a 500
> when I try to check lintian output for any (existing) package.
> For example: https://udd.debian.org/lintian/?packages=nim

I also just get error 500 when trying to look up LIntian errors for my
own packages..

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