i've run into a really strange problem, and i can't seem to figure it
out. i am attempting to link a program against Xpm and the linker
tells me it can't find it. this is the command:

  g77 evtdsp_main.o xencode.o ../e815_analysis/dst/ftio.o getolevent.o \
  getoesevent.o getofsevent.o sigonline.o ../e815_analysis/ipc.o \
  store_view.o display_image.o util.o options.o evtdsp.o getbeam.o \
  sind.o cosd.o -L/usr/cern/98/lib -lgeant -lgraflib -lgrafX11 \
  -lpacklib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXp -lXt -lXext -lXpm -lX11 -lSM \
  -lICE -o evtdsp_linux

and the error:

  /usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lXpm: No such file or directory
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

but the library exists:

ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4*
   0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           14 Apr 12 20:55 
/usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4 -> libXpm.so.4.10
  54 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root        53408 Jan 25 09:33 

if i replace -lXpm by /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4 the program links
fine. does anybody have any idea what's going on here?


| I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active |
|  advance of the mind, it will be possible (simultaneously with  |
|  automatism and other passive states) to systematize confusion  |
|  and thus to help to discredit completely the world of reality. |

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