On Mon, Apr 13, 1998 at 12:19:03PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Apr 1998, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> > Why don't we include selected directories from there on the official
> > CD (I think of gettext (ouch, don't beat me), 2.1.x software, ...)?
> gettext is in experimental so that it will *not* be included in CDs...
> If we start putting experimental things in CDs, then we should create
> another distribution "really-experimental", since experimental
> seems not to be "safe" enough...

Dear Santiago,

I though I did express clearly, that I don't want to have such software as
mentioned above distributed *as part of the main distribution*. I just think
that it is a good idea to put as much free software on the CD as possible.
expermintal software could be included in a directory, that can't be accessed
through dselect. This would make it easy for developers or other interested 
to get the software, without having the risk that newbies could install
experimental software by mistaken.

Remember that some people have to pay a lot of money for the downloading
time. gettext for example is a huge package that is needed to develope i18n
software. i18n is a stated goal of Debian. This is only an example. A 2.1.x
kernel tree is also an example. I can download patches, but the whole kernel
is costing me real money, and I'm just a student.

Thank you,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
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