Hi Brian,

> > If used properly, diversity of opinion should only help Debian.
> With all due respect, if you think that there is no diversity of opinion
> in Debian, then you haven't been around here for very long.

I was referring to the fact that many of the developers strongly felt that
I should agree with the DFSG, i.e. not have my own opinion of it.  So,
with all due respect, please don't understand me so fast. :)

> > Those with opinions that differ from the mainstream should not be
> > branded "heretics" or encouraged to leave.
> Now, play fair.  I was under the impression that Craig's statements were
> merely a friendly suggestion and not meant to pressure anyone out of the
> project.  Of course, nobody is requiring every member to surrender his
> or her opinions.  However, I'm sure that you will agree, requiring our
> members to understand and comply with Debian's goals, motivation, and
> policy are essential if we are to accomplish anything as a group.

I was referring specifically to Craig.  Rather I was referring to some of
the statements that were made by several developers about "if you don't
agree then you should consider leaving" or something along those lines.
If I gave you the impression that I was singling out or attacking Craig
then I apologize for that.  I do admit that it is hard to keep calm when
everyone seems to disagree with you.  So, if I came off as attacking Craig
then please excuse me.

I agree with you about understanding and complying with Debian's goals,
which is why I abide by them.  But, does that mean that I have to agree
with them?

> Besides, is it fair to label opinions that happen to agree with the
> mainstream as "elitist?"  I'll admit that sometimes certain individuals
> may be overly curt, but I think that this comes from having to debate
> the same things over and over.  (I myself can recall twice before when
> someone has suggested that we rename non-free, but of course, I could
> have missed a few of these discussions.)  These things do get old after
> awhile.

No, it is not at all fair to label opinions that happen to agree with the 
mainstream as "elitist."  What is not fair is to encourage people to leave
if they don't agree.  That is what I meant by being "elitist."  I agree
with you about the overly curt individuals so I it is probably my own
fault for being so sensitive about how they respond.  I do truly try to
respond in a calm fashion, although I don't always succeed.

I didn't realize that renaming non-free was suggested before.  Why didn't
anyone tell me?  Think of all the headaches I could have avoided! :)

Thanks for the discussion Brian,

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