>>>Steve Lamb wrote:
 > Tuesday, September 14, 1999, 11:25:11 PM, Jakob wrote:
 > > software. FHS states that /usr must be sharable over a network - e.g. if I
 >             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 >     Thank you for finally providing a very good reason for a new top level
 > domain.  About the only thing missing, IMHO, is a specific cite from the FHS
 > (section number would be good) but I'll take your word for it.

On page 6:

The "shareable" distinction can be used to support, for example:

   o A /usr partition (or components of /usr) mounted (read-only)
     through the network (using NFS).

   o A /usr partition (or components of /usr) mounted from read-only
     media.  A CD-ROM can be considered a read-only filesystem shared
     with other FHS-compliant systems, using the postal mail system as a

(As easy as zless /usr/doc/debian-policy/fhs/fhs.txt.gz, /\/usr, n)

/ Balp

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