Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> >>>>> "Chris" == Chris Rutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Chris> For months now, `w' has only reported `-' (well, *almost*
>     Chris> all the time, anyway) in the FROM field for any connections
>     Chris> made through `telnetd'.  Finally, with the update to PAMed
>     Chris> `login', I once again have the hostnames correctly
>     Chris> appearing in FROM again.  Does anyone know why this wasn't
>     Chris> working for so long?
> I have had this problem reported to me too. Something in potato
> broke a while ago.. but it never happened to me.

It's a bug in the telnet daemon. I got a message the other day that this bug
has been fixed with the latest version.

see shy jo

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