
        If all we are interested in hacving a miny contentous debate,
 please skip this message, because this pre-supposes a desire to
 actually compromise and come to a rough consensus.  Unfortunately,
 common sense and a desire to actually co-operate seem to have been
 sorely lacking of late.

>>"Joey" == Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Joey> Branden Robinson wrote:
 >> On the other hand, fsck seems to be a good example of a program that can't
 >> do much for the unprivileged user.

 >> advocate type="devil's">
 Joey> Anyone can own a block device.
 >> /advocate>

        Hmm. Lets step back here, and take a deep breath. What we need
 to consider is whether the underlying principle is desirable -- does
 it make sense to have two separate path components? The rationale was
 that for the common user, there are programs that are not used very
 often, and may not even work when invoked, and thus tend to only
 confuse the uninitiated, and annoy enerally by messing up command

        The question that seems to want to be raised is whether this
 is true? Are people really confused more by having extra commands
 available, or are they confused by _not_ havingcertain commands

        The irony is, of course, that the people generally making such
 decisions (like this forum) are rarely a decent sampling of the user
 base, or the hypothetical Joe user. 

        If the answer is yes, there is still merit in the idea of
 separate path components, one needs to find a way to draw the line on
 where the utility lies. And we need to determine the utility for the
 common case -- since this is merrely a default, individual users can
 add to path components, create symlinks in ~/bin. or whatever, to get
 around the differences. 

        I am sure that the imaginative people on this forum can come
 up with obscure cases where a cmmon user can generally use _any_
 program out there, espescially with a judicious choice of
 permissions. Unless one draws the line somewhere, we shall be left
 with no choices for the sbin path component whatsoever. I am not so
 sure that is useful. 

        To answer Joey's comment: Any one who owns a block device is
 probably competent enough to change their own path, and this case is
 definitely not enough to move fsck out of sbin.

        As to mount telling us what is mounted, so does df, and cat
 /etc/mtab. again, not enough to move mount; unless one is being

 who'l probably just get flamed by Overfiend now
 Every Horse has an Infinite Number of Legs (proof by intimidation):
 Horses have an even number of legs.  Behind they have two legs, and
 in front they have fore-legs.  This makes six legs, which is
 certainly an odd number of legs for a horse.  But the only number
 that is both even and odd is infinity.  Therefore, horses have an
 infinite number of legs.  Now to show this for the general case,
 suppose that somewhere, there is a horse that has a finite number of
 legs.  But that is a horse of another color, and by the lemma ["All
 horses are the same color"], that does not exist.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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