>>"Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

 Anthony> To clarify a little: I want to be able to answer the
 Anthony> questions up front, do the install and have it work. If I've

        This is not somethign anyone can argue with. 

 Anthony> made a mistake (like not put a file where I said I did
 Anthony> maybe), I don't mind if it dies and leaves that package to
 Anthony> be configured later or something. I don't want it to pause
 Anthony> and leave the rest of the system unconfigured, though.

        This is your system, and you should be able to set the
 defaults that way (/etc/kernel-img.conf -- set do_symlink=NO
 clobber_modules=YES, do_boot_enable=NO), and you shall never be asked
 anything by the postinst. Of course, you are then responsible for
 ensuring your new kernel is booted, but hey, you can't have

        But other people may have other choices, and I'll fight tooth
 and nail against any policy changes that leave them out in the cold
 just cause some people like non-interactive installs. 

 Anthony> This is just for my system, I don't really care that much how it works
 Anthony> for other people.

        Hmm. Not an attitude I can afford to take, I don't think, as
  package maintainer ;-)

 Anthony> If we go through the `N' questions above, we have:

 >> > .XXX........N    6) failure, retry?
 >> > .XXX........N    7) failure, you have formatted floppy?
 >> > .XXX........N    9) Failure writing floppy, retry?
 >> > .XXX........N   10) failure, hit return when youhave new floppy
 >> > .XXX........N   16) Failure writing mbr, do this manually, hit return 

 Anthony> ...failure cases, which I want to address as late as possible, rather
 Anthony> than as soon as possible. (The realplayer question is mainly a failure
 Anthony> question too, iirc)

        Pardon me, I think I don't understand. So, writing the floppy
 failed, and you want me to just stop doing what I was doing, leaving
 you with an unbootable system? 

        I am not happy with not offering the user a chance to change
 the floppy, or quit formatting and going woth a preformatted floppy,
 or going to lilo instead. 

        If you arrive at these questions, you have asked stuff to be
 done, and I can't really defer the failure case handling. Sure, I can
 say that if you asked things to be done, and ignore error recovery,
 you are responsible for the consequences, but unless that point is
 driven home, the reputation for rock solid installs may suffer.

        However, I have no objection in principle to allowing people
 the *option* of silent installs. My objection is to making silent
 install the *only* option. 

 >> > .XXX........N    5) Insert floppy, hit return
 >> > .XX.........?    4) do I need to format the floppy?
 >> > .XXX........N    8) you have floppy, hit return when ready

 Anthony> ...questions needing a temporary change in hardware. I'd answer "no,
 Anthony> I don't want to have a floppy" initially, or perhaps want to run
 Anthony> /usr/lib/kernel-2.2.17/make-floppy or something after my install's
 Anthony> completed.

        Yup. But these questions will still be asked for people who
 have not set these defaults, and these ned be asked at run time. 

 >> > .XX.........N   14) Install boot block on partition detected at runtime

 Anthony> You can detect stuff at runtime from within the .config too;
 Anthony> you should be able to this before the package is actually
 Anthony> installed. At worst, you can say "no, don't try to detect it
 Anthony> and annoy me later: this is what it should be. okay? trust
 Anthony> me"

        Easy. Just set up an /etc/lilo.conf (SILO,MILO< whatever) and
 this questioh shan't be asked. But there are people who have not yet
 done it, and this section is for them. 

 >> > XXXX........N   15) Install mbr root disk
 >> > .XX.........N   17) make that partition active?

 Anthony> And hence you should be able to ask these beforehand too, I think.

        Same here. 

 Anthony> Basically, I'd like to be able to insist that I'm *never*
 Anthony> asked a question as part of a postinst. I'd rather the
 Anthony> postinst fail (and I'd rather Apt/Dpkg just get on with
 Anthony> installing everything else, although it probably won't at
 Anthony> the moment) than get asked a question.

        I wuld not object to having such a mode if explicitly asked
 for. But I refuse to support what happens if you do so. As long as
 turning this option on is an admittance of responsibility for install
 failures and their consequences, fine. 

 Anthony> would be tidier. For the moment, though, as long as I *can*
 Anthony> say "no, I don't want a floppy made" and end up with a
 Anthony> non-interactive postinst, I'm happy.

        I would be happy to work towards this, as long as there is no
 attempt to outlaw any installation phase interaction.  And as long as
 it is understood that people who ask for a non-interactive install
 willy-nilly do it at their own risk. 

 panic: kernel trap (ignored)
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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