> I recall reading a few months ago about a plan to merge ALL of the
> existing hardware detection routines into one lump, in order to
> consolidate work and effort.  The proposal was met with acceptance by many
> (if not all) of the major developers (Mandrake, Redhat, Suse, Turbo)
> please post if you do find a link to it.

reply to my own request:

It was on this list I saw it (gee, how nice), and Dan Shearer
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) was organizing it.

Wichert replied to his request for help and said he'd love to see this
happen, and pointed Dan to boot-floppies as the group to work with for
Debian.  Dan replied with a long post quoting his plan and more.

the thread was in May 2000,
starts the thread
contains Dan's proposal

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