Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Even if there's only two things, the fact is that the package maintainer
> wants not only to decide what is supported but he might also want to
> enable some features...

Did you think about having two fields, one to specify the set of
supported options, and one to allow setting defaults?

FWIW, Manoj, Steve, Yuri[1] and I had a good chat about this on the
train across Scotland last summer. 

For some types of options, it makes sense to not just declare that
they're supported, but that some particular combinations of options is
supported, while declaring other combinations as unsupported. This would
be particularly useful when setting compile options (including librarary
link combinations).

Hmm, my notebook[2] from that trip suggests the following syntax:

Build-Options: strip, debug, bar, foo, !foo+bar

Indicating that foo and bar cannot be combined.

Also, I think it would be a good idea to explicitly make "x-foo" be
reserved for non-standard options.

see shy jo

[1] A gentoo guy. Who better to discuss build options. ;-)
[2] http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1121/639896787_dfe8d0f8c2.jpg

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