Hi Martin,

thanks for the hint in things of QT version 5.15.7 transition.
This will require to rebuild KDE/Frameworks, KDE/Plasma and KDE/apps
(gears) and will take some time.

You can inform yourself about the transition status here:

Link: https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/qtbase-abi-5-15-7.html

Personally, I like to get informed by debian-kde maintainers or
mailing-list when the transition is over.

Kind regards,

P.S.:  If you are Debian/unstable AMD64 user and are experienced
enough, you can try on YOUR OWN RISK.

To pass daily dist-upgrades I did the following:

[ Set all QT v5.15.6 packages on hold ]
root# VER="5.15..6" ; for p in $( dpkg -l | grep $VER | awk '/^ii/
{print $2}' ) ; do echo "[ $p ]" ; echo "$p" "hold" | dpkg
--set-selections ; done

[ Archive packages on hold ]
root# dpkg --get-selections | grep hold > hold_2022-12-21.txt

[ Allow packages installation on (dist-)upgrade - e.g. when transition is over ]
root# for p in $( cat hold_2022-12-21.txt | awk '{print $1}' ) ; do
echo "[ $p ]" ; echo "$p" "install" | dpkg --set-selections ; do

[ Re-Hold packages if necessary ]
root# for p in $( cat hold_2022-12-21.txt | awk '{print $1}' ) ; do
echo "[ $p ]" ; echo "$p" "hold" | dpkg --set-selections ; do

Unfortunately, we have now the first re-build packages of
libkf5i18n5:amd64 from KDE/Framework coming to unstable.
So, you will need to put that on hold, too.
Otherwise packages will be removed - so BE CAREFUL.


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